Stump-And-Grind Pricing Example

Here is an example on one of the factors when determing estimates.
Width in inches x $5.00 = prices of 4"- 7" below grade
Width in inches x $6.00 - $9.00= prices of 8"- 12" below grade
This is just an example. Your bid may be higher or lower as the image states the widest diameter, but we actually measure several directions and take an average to be fair. It is also based on other determining factors. See FAQ page. We will also work with you on 1/2day and Full day rates.
We do NOT give estimates over the phone. Estimates are FREE, but we must come measure and look for obstructions, and utilities.
We do NOT price war with uninsured grinders. If you choose to go that route best of luck to you. We will await your call to correct the bad grinds and other issues.